MZPN TV will broadcast the match between Wilga Garwolin and Ząbkovia Ząbki on August 13, 2022 at 5:00 PM

Marcin Sągol

In the last few days, we have learned the results of the fans' voting for the match that MZPN TV will broadcast next weekend. The majority of votes were cast for the match of the 4th league, in which Wilga Garwolin will face Ząbkovia Ząbki. The broadcast will be streamed on the YouTube platform and will start before 5:00 PM

You can also vote for the match that will be broadcasted in the coming week via Facebook and Twitter platforms. Just go to the MZPN profile, find the post with information about the voting and type the hashtag of the selected match in the comment. Votes can be cast until Sunday, August 14, 2022, at 8:00 p.m.