February 2021 Competition: results

In the first question, we asked for the anniversary that the sep.zelechow.net website will be celebrating this year.
Among the answers, we received dates related to the launch of the website or the anniversary from the previous year, but the correct answer is, of course, the 14th anniversary :)
In the second question, we asked for the first name and last name of the person who held the position of President of the "Sęp" Sports Club in Żelechów for the longest period in the last 20 years, and the correct answer is Mr. Leszek Woźniak.
The winner was selected by a random draw, and it is... Ms. Ewelina Dawidowska :) Congratulations and we hope this will be a pleasant surprise on International Women's Day!
Soon, there will be another contest, which will be announced on March 27/28. Everyone can participate (even those who have already won prizes), so we invite you to visit our website and follow the information that will be posted on it.