Sęp - Jabłonianka Jabłonna Lacka: Decisive Victory 9:2 in the Penultimate Match of the Season

Marcin Sągol

In the last match of the current season, where we hosted Jabłonianka Jabłonna Lacka on the field in Gończyce, we presented ourselves very well. We defeated our opponent 9:2, with a total of seven players scoring for Sęp. Albert Stodulski and Szymon Kowalski each scored 2 goals.

The entire match was dominated by our team. The scoring was opened in the 3rd minute by Hubert Król, followed by goals in the 10th and 24th minutes from Szymon Kryczka and Kuba Gałkowski, making it 3:0. The visitors managed to score a goal in the last minute of the first half, with Sylwester Niewiadomski beating Mateusz Bryl.

The second half of the match saw continued dominance by Sęp and an increase in the lead. Less than two minutes after the restart, Sebastian Wdowiak made it 4:1, and in the 66th minute, Damian Grzyb increased it to 5:1. Our players scored 4 more goals, with Albert Stodulski, Szymon Kowalski, and Szymon Słyk taking turns as the scorers. Jabłonianka managed to score their second goal in the second half, again by Sylwester Niewiadomski, but that was all our opponents could manage that day.

Sunday, 16 June 2024, 10:00
Sęp Żelechów
Jabłonianka Jabłonna Lacka
Król Hubert 3'
Kryczka Szymon 10'
Gałkowski Jakub 24'
Wdowiak Sebastian 47'
Grzyb Damian 65'
Stodulski Albert 76'
Kowalski Szymon 80'
Słyk Szymon 85'
Kowalski Szymon 87'
44' Niewiadomski Sylwester
70' Niewiadomski Sylwester
XXIX Kolejka Ligi Okręgowej, Sezon 2023/24

Sęp impressively wins 9:2 in the penultimate match of the 2023/24 football season in the Siedlce district league. To conclude the season, we will face Jastrząb Żeliszew away next week.

Sęp: Bryl M. - Dadas K., Gałkowski J. (46' Stodulski A.), Korgul A., Kowalski Sz. (88' Rodak S.), Król H., Kryczka Sz. (46' Grzyb D.), Licbarski M., Słyk Sz., Wdowiak B., Wdowiak S.

Jabłonianka: Benedykciuk A. - Chmielewski D., Głogowski M., Grądzki W., Lipski K., Michalczuk M., Niewiadomski S., Przybyszewski K., Strzała K., Świnarski R., Zawadzki M.,